Tuesday, May 22, 2012


So I am one of seemingly few lucky girls that ends up marrying a fantastic cook. Seriously. Which is a good thing, because cooking is certainly not my forte, though I can bake a mean cookie. Anyway, this past weekend, Damon decided he wanted to do some entertaining, so we invited our parents and available siblings over to our house for Sunday dinner. I should probably note that this kind of thing completely stresses me out, so unfortunately I can't take any credit for the masterpiece that was our dinner on Sunday.

If any of you have ever been to Cheesecake Factory hopefully you have had the opportunity to try their Thai lettus wraps (try it with salmon instead of chicken. You will love yourself). It's a favorite of ours so last time we were there, we got a bottle of their amazing Thai peanut sauce. We weren't sure what to do with it so we went super original and decided to make our OWN Thai lettus wraps. Damon of course went all out and did chicken, salmon and shrimp, plus all the veggies and everything to go with. I of course didn't take pictures, but it was beautiful and absolutely delicious. It was also surprisingly easy, or would have been if he didn't do so many different options. So if you can't make it to the Cheesecake Factory, give it a try yourself!

Damon always makes enough food for three times the people that are actually going to be eating so naturally, we have leftovers. Oh left overs. The possibilites are endless...
Last night we had salmon and cream cheese stuffed crescent rolls. AMAZING. Amazing enought that I thought to take a picture and ended up writing a blog about it.